Types of Kitchen Renovations

Preparing for major renovations like a kitchen remodel is key to success. Planning ahead is key to avoiding stress and minimizing problems. Our Love your Home seminars teach homeowners the secrets to renovating their bathrooms and kitchens. We will discuss the beginning points of planning. This includes identifying the type of renovation that you want to do and how much time and money each one should cost.

Types of Kitchen Renovations

There are three types to renovation:

  1. Cosmetic
  2. Remove and re-install
  3. Custom

Some kitchen renovations are specifically classified as one or more of these categories. Others fall in the middle of both.

Cosmetic Kitchen Renovations

A cosmetic kitchen remodel is one that replaces commonly removed items. This might include a new countertop, a tiled backsplash or new appliances.

A cosmetic kitchen renovation is what you would normally do if your home was up for sale and you have a few items that need updating before your house goes on the market. A cosmetic reno is also possible if you have just moved in and are not happy with the colour or layout of the kitchen. A cosmetic kitchen reno is also possible if you don’t have the budget for a complete new kitchen. Clients who are planning to move in the next 2-3 years often want a better looking kitchen but don’t have enough money for new cabinets.

How long does it take to renovate a cosmetic kitchen?

This is a hard question to answer, as it all depends on what your mini renovation will include. If you only plan to paint your kitchen, you will be able to choose the paint colour you like, and hire a painter. This can usually be done in one day. This project can be completed even if your home is a professional DIY home.

You should allow more time for planning if you plan on installing a tile backsplash, or a countertop. Allow at least 1-4 weeks for the design, ordering and selection of products. You will need to wait for the materials to arrive, then order them. You will need to allow for 2 days to 4 weeks to finish the …. work, depending on how extensive you are planning.

What will it cost to renovate a kitchen?

This range will vary depending on the extent of work required. For a fresh coat, it can cost between $300-$500 and $30,000 to get a quartz countertop with plumbing items, new lighting, new flooring, painting, and a new backsplash. It doesn’t always mean a cheap or high-end price for a cosmetic remodel. Cosmetic upgrades are not necessarily the best way to spend money. It is important to keep in mind why you are renovating. It is important to know what you are getting from the renovation. Don’t forget your WHY while renovating.

Re-Install and Remove Kitchen Renovations

Re-install and remove renovation is a step beyond cosmetic renovation. You would take items out and re-install them exactly in the same spot. A kitchen renovation usually involves taking out kitchen cabinets and replacing them with newer ones. This will ensure that your sink and stove remain in the same location and your kitchen layout does not change.

You can replace cabinets and hardware for this type of reno.

What time does it take to do a Re and RE (remove-and-reinstall) kitchen remodel?

It takes 6-10 weeks for cabinets of high quality to be made. Your contractor may order cabinets through a supplier, but they still need to be ready for delivery within 4 weeks. Multi Trade Building Services makes all of our cabinets by using our cabinet maker. Because cabinets are only available in certain sizes, you won’t need fillers. To fit the space, we can make a cabinet 27.36 inches in width.

You should allow for 2-6 weeks for designing, ordering, and product selection. It can take up to 4-10 weeks to order materials, while the actual work on-site will usually take 2-5 week depending on how involved you are with the renovation.

How much does a Re and Re kitchen remodel cost?

The size and quality of the cabinets that you select will also affect the answer to this question. Stained maple cabinets, for example, will be more expensive than thermofoil.

Plan to budget between $15,000-20,000. This will give you basic cabinets and hardware as well as a basic countertop made of laminate. The appliances and flooring will remain the same. On the other end, you can spend upwards of $50,000 on new cabinets, a stone countertop and backsplash, new plumbing, new flooring, and appliances. Your renovation might fall somewhere between these extremes depending upon the choices that you make.

Custom Kitchen Renovation

You can do almost anything with this type of renovation! Your imagination is the limit and you can create the kitchen of dreams. This is the type you would use to renovate your kitchen if you wanted to increase space, alter the layout, or make a complete change.

Renovating your kitchen can include a redesign of the layout. This might involve moving the refrigerator, stove, or sink. You might also need to get rid of the breakfast room in order increase the kitchen’s size. A custom renovation usually requires you to upgrade the function of your kitchen.

Your lifestyle might change. The kitchen could serve a new purpose after the kids have grown up and moved out.

A custom kitchen remodel will often require the opening or moving of walls. Planning for this requires that you determine whether the wall you intend to remove or move is load bearing. Before beginning any demolition, speak with an Architectural Technologist. Do not take the word of your contractor as gospel. Consult a specialist to get the right drawings and obtain a permit. This is essential for your safety as well as your house insurance.

How long does a custom kitchen remodel take?

The infographic below provides a breakdown of the time required for this type kitchen remodel.

How much does a custom kitchen remodel cost?

This type of renovation is truly limitless! Our clients have spent up to $100,000 on custom kitchen renovations. One of our clients entertains many of his business associates at the home. It involved removing a load bearing wall and two wall ovens. Two sinks were also removed. The main floor was also renovated with new flooring. He was aware that he would not get a good return (ROI), but this type renovation met his needs at this point in his life and career.

This type of renovation usually costs $35,000 to $80,000. The cost of the work and the quality cabinets, countertops, and appliances will affect the price. being installed. New flooring is almost always required when walls are being taken down or layouts are changing. This could lead to new flooring being required on the main level of your house. This type of kitchen renovation should be considered in the larger picture. What impact will changing the layout or design in your kitchen have on your main floor and overall house?

Many kitchen renovations fall within one of the three categories listed here. Of course, renovations may include more than one of the three categories. You can meet with many experts to discuss your ideas. To benefit from their decades of experience, book a consultation so you’re as informed as possible when you make your decisions regarding your kitchen remodel.

Click here for a free quote and initial consultation about your kitchen remodel. To reach us by phone, dial

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