The installation of a new bathtub is an undertaking which requires focus and precision if you choose to do it yourself. After carefully selecting the bathtub that best suits our requirements and also the best location in the bathroom for its location the next step is to take the old tub out and replace it with the new one, and make sure that you connect it in the most efficient way each of its parts that are functional.
Here are the essential steps for installing a bathtub on concrete floors.
Removal of the old bathtub
In order to install the brand new tub the old bathtub must be removed from the existing one . To avoid flooding , it will be essential firstly to shut down the water supply, and then to install a large basin to keep the remaining water that is in the pipes, which in the course of operations may leak out.
To get rid of the tank, it is necessary to cut the old adduction pipe , the overflow pipes, and finally the drain with the help of a tool that is able to cut metals.
Based on the substance of the base material The tank may also be removed following crushing by using an axe.
This procedure is feasible in the case of cast iron tanks and in this situation however, you should ensure that you are wearing appropriate glasses for protection and headphones that block out noise.
The choice of the new bath
There are many kinds of bathtubs ; prior to purchasing one, it is essential to know what kind of tank is in reach of the space accessible.
The most popular models are:
– Rectangular tanks
These are among the popular and well-known ones and also the most affordable ones.
The dimensions range between 1.4 up to 1.8 meters, with only two widths to choose from between 70 to 80 centimeters.
– Corner
These tanks can take up a significant amount of space and are perfect for bathrooms that are very large. They are fitted with a variety of accessories and toiletries.
– Circular tanks
Although stunning Although stunning, these pools are not the most popular however, if we are planning to create a bathroom with a lot of space and a stunning round tub that is situated in the center of the room could be the perfect focal point that can rotate other furniture pieces.
Self-installation of bathtubs
Before installation : placing the tiles on the wall prior to installing the tank. Before you proceed, make sure that the portion of the wall not tiled is greater than the dimension of the bathtub in both height and length in order that the tub sticks to the plaster , not to the tiles.
After the bathtub that was in use is removed then you can begin to clean the floor and wall to make room for the new tub.
Both need to be waterproofed. For instance tiles ensure an excellent watertightness. For the walls it is required to use a primer as well as the right product to ensure an impermeable seal.
The dimension of the pool must be posted on the wall to serve as an example of the installation. In this stage it is time to begin assembling the pool equipment.
If the device is equipped with feet , you’ll have to put them in by putting the fixing holes in the middle of the supports on the feet, with the aid of drills, and fix them using the help of a screwdriver.
– We connect the new pipe (D) that is used for the adduction, or join the new pipes’ branches to existing pipes (I) in order to be ready to connect to the hoses that are already hooked to the faucets.
Then, we place two wooden boards beneath on the bottom of the bathtub to spread the load across a larger area.
The tank should be set in its place and then adjust the level horizontally using the key located on your feet.
Then, we will connect to connect the pipes that are flexible (D) into the pipes, as well as that drainage pipes (G) onto the siphon (H)and then all until the existing branch of the column of drainage.
It is essential to be aware that when tanks are placed against walls, it is difficult to construct connections and joints. The faucets along with the overflow, as well as the siphon first need to be put in place and then the tank moved into position.
Drain and overflow
Drain in the bathtub
Install the drain and overflow device (E) . When the type of filler is utilized then the overflow should be connected prior to the siphon. In the siphon model, the pipe of plastic connects to the siphon.
Inject the pipe into the tank’s hole (G) with care to wrap the teflon tape over the column threaded.
Below, we will add the gasket made of plastic and fix the fixing screw using the filler against the mastic or the gasket.
The siphon is connected to this tank with the drain pipe as well as the pipe for overflow (E) into the adjacent hole in the tank.
Installation of the faucets to the bath
Once you have completed this after that, you are able to install the faucets in the tub by fitting the hoses. If the taps are situated on the edges of your tank it’ll be best to drill with a hole saw the area at which the tap is installed.
Bath tub faucets
When the taps have a single (A) and the setup is exactly the same as the one to be used on the sink. Install the taps the faucets into the holes (B) in the tank, then insert gaskets and secure the nuts by securing the nuts.
The copper hoses are connected with the lamps on our floor. They are tied the same way however, most come with a long seal that can be installed under the taps.
The choice of mixer or faucet is entirely personal. Mixers are accessible with shower systems, or installed on the mixer, or fixed to armrests to the wall in front of the bath.
Renew the old bath
If the steel tank will not be recycled, you can re-use it by cleaning it with water-soaked rags and turpentine in order that there are no traces of grease.
Then, we paint the tank at the bottom and moving upwards in a circular fashion with a special two-component glaze.
For professional finishes , it is important to speak with specialized companies who can carry out spray enamelling.